You as the internet marketer will be hired by Merchant Circle to refer people in your community to this website so that they may seize the customers they are looking for. Merchant Circle is unlike any other advertising program online, offering more tools than any other program on the internet today. As local business owners sign up for this program, you will be paid a commission of every sign up package purchased through your referral efforts.
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Sunday, January 17, 2010
Merchant Circle
Merchant Circle is a website that takes advantage of local business owners and gives them the tools they need to market their company to a larger audience. In order for them to do that, they must use the internet world in order to get to all these companies across the United States. That's where you come in.

You as the internet marketer will be hired by Merchant Circle to refer people in your community to this website so that they may seize the customers they are looking for. Merchant Circle is unlike any other advertising program online, offering more tools than any other program on the internet today. As local business owners sign up for this program, you will be paid a commission of every sign up package purchased through your referral efforts.
You as the internet marketer will be hired by Merchant Circle to refer people in your community to this website so that they may seize the customers they are looking for. Merchant Circle is unlike any other advertising program online, offering more tools than any other program on the internet today. As local business owners sign up for this program, you will be paid a commission of every sign up package purchased through your referral efforts.
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